
Another bio-pic about someone you never heard of. But you are well aware of his work. “I am Spartacus” one of my favorite movie lines. He scored two Oscars for films (The Brave One and Roman Holiday). He wasn’t given credit because your favorite government took away his constitutional rights, just like the American Japanese and the Indians and well – you and me.
Bryan Cranston (Walter White) is very impressive as Trumbo as is Diane Lane as his wife.
Poop on Hedda Hopper and John Wayne and Ronald Regan and why isn’t Dick Nixon on the list? How did that junior senator from Wisconsin get the power to destroy so many lives?
This is the third feature film in four years in which John Goodman played the owner or an important employee of a movie company, following “The Artist” (2011) and “Argo” (2012). Interestingly, both prior films won Oscars for Best Picture.
See it. Just go and See it. Yes, the acting is superb on everyone’s part and the black and white footage is terrific.